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  • Panama’s new President-elect José Raúl Mulino has won election by promising to return Panama to its economic boom years. But tackling drug trafficking and white-collar crime could prove a bigger challenge. Mulino won the May 5 presidential election with 34% …

  • Calor Calor

    by Sabra Bozych

    Calor Calor is one of Panama’s two most powerful gangs along with Bagdad, and the two battle fiercely for territorial control.

  • Bagdad

    by Mia Meyer

    Bagdad, along with its rival Calor Calor, is one of Panama’s two main gang federations, consisting of 30-40 smaller gangs that work together to fulfill drug transportation for transnational organized crime groups.

  • Panama Profile

    by Elijah Jones

    Panama’s location connecting Central and South America has made it a key transit point for illicit trade, as well as a refuge and negotiating area for criminal organizations. Its favorable economy and the booming contraband market of the Colón Free …

  • FARC 57th Front in Panama

    by Victoria Belousson

    The FARC’s 57th Front is active along the Colombia-Panama border, where it has long used the dense strip of jungle known as the Darién Gap to traffic drugs into Central America and weapons into Colombia. It also uses Panama as …

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